Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My new friend

At the risk of sounding like a stalker, I need to tell you that I have made a very special friend. She is a friend sent directly from heaven. She is funny, beautiful, stylish, (yes you are!), charismatic, creative, godly, intelligent, honest, kind, generous, transparent, mothering, and just plain wonderful!

We both just moved to Arizona, we both have four children, we both love the Lord, we are almost exactly the same age, we both homeschool, we both have husbands that work mostly from home, we both blog (she introduced me to it actually), and we are both searching for a church home. (The list goes on actually). And eventually we will both join the zumba cult.... (you know you want to). Of course, she does listen to country music....

She has lessened the pain in my homesick heart, and has made this new place so much more my home. As iron sharpens iron, let us be true and real friends to one another. Let our conversations be pleasing to Him. Let our lives be transparent before one another, confessing our sins and also our praises to each other. Thank you God for my new dear friend Jeanna.... Amen!


  1. God is so good! What a sweet blessing from Him.

  2. my turn to cry. thank you for already being an old friend. i feel like we have known each other forever. isn't it crazy awesome how God brings people like us together? i thank Him for you often. love you already!

  3. That is remarkable Chaundra! I'm so happy for you! What an amazing blessing from the Lord!
