Thursday, May 27, 2010

Home School Freedoms

Well, I just discovered how much the Georgia government has got it's little hands in my sweet little school at home! I have to write a letter of intent every year, send in a monthly attendance record to the superintendant, my kids need to have "grades", and I need to have them tested every three years starting at 3rd grade. Testing and labeling.....

I have mixed feeling about all of this. The first one is, very overwhelmed! In AZ all we had to do was write one, meaning a SINGLE, letter of intent, at anytime, notarized. And that was it. Now that is freedom!

The second emotion I have is outrage. Homeschooling, when left alone, has proven over and over to be a wonderful form of eduction. It is so frustrating, when what we do naturally is structured to fit the form so many homeschoolers strive to get away from! Even though I myself am not an unschooler, I have seen that even that philosophy of learning can flourish.

The third emotion is, compliance. If the masses need to be mollified with proof that we are actually doing something productive with our days, then I guess that will have to be fine. As long as I retain my right to school my kids in my own home, and choose my own curriculum, I will comply! And since we aren't required to send in any other information besides a letter of intent and (I think??) the monthly attendance record, this will all just serve the purpose of seeing how well I am doing at schooling the Anderson clan at home.

For now, I won't revolt!


  1. Hi Chaundra!
    Don't worry too much about the reporting requirements--NY has a lot too, but I've found that I really enjoy putting together what we have to turn into the Dept. of Ed. They are good check in points for me throughout the year and help me to stay on track. Once you do it once it is pretty easy to standardize your "reports" and crank them out quickly.
    xo from the Spositos in NYC
    Kristin, Brett, Maya, Jonah and Simon

  2. I guess that should give me at least one reason not to hate AZ! But, truthfully, I think there should be some monitoring only b/c of the homes that totally unschool. It would be irritating, but I think I'd appreciate it just like your friend Kristin.

  3. Chaundra-
    I LOVE your blog.You must like Collin Raye. Anyhow I love the little quip you wrote about your blog;made me smile.
